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Australasian Pig Science Association (Inc)
APSA 2019
Adelaide, Australia
17th - 20th November 2019
Mark these dates in your calendar
17th - 20TH November 2019 The Australasian Pig Science Association
is pleased to announce that
the 2019 APSA Biennial Conference will be held at the
Adelaide, SA, Australia
17th to 20TH November 2019.
Submissions for the
International Travel Scholarship
Extended Abstracts
Open Mid January 2019 Visit the website for more details
Dr Charles Rikard-Bell, Manager Commercialisation and Research Impact, Australasian Pork Research Institute Limited.
AusScan energising feed grain evaluation
Page 4 – Australian Pork Newspaper, January 2019
AUSSCAN calibrations for pig faecal digestible energy and ileal DE for cereal grains have been upgraded on completion of Pork CRC Project 4B- 117, ‘Strengthening the AusScan pig DE, DE in- take index NIR calibra- tions’.
The project determined pig ileal and faecal DE and faecal DE intake in- dex of 67 new grains: 22 wheat, 13 barley, eight triticale, four sorghum and 20 maize samples.
Improved accuracy and robustness were also achieved by adding this data, according to Charles Rikard-Bell, Manager Commercialisation and Research Impact, with Australasian Pork Re- search Institute Limited.
“The NIR calibrations show significant improve- ment due to the larger number of new samples and range of cereals add- ed,” Dr Rikard-Bell said.
Since the last update in 2013, significant new ce- real data has been added to the calibration dataset.
The revised calibrations have improved the fae- cal DE prediction by 22
percent and can now also predict the faecal DE of maize.
The 2018 updates for broiler apparent metabo- lisable energy and intake includes 24 low-energy Australian wheat samples and 16 wheat samples im- ported from the northern hemisphere, bringing the total non-Australian sam- ples to 31.
The AME study was commissioned by APRIL at the Poultry Research Station, Roseworthy South Australia.
“The additional sam- ples from the northern hemisphere support the findings that the updated broiler AME calibrations can be used to analyse ce- reals grown outside Aus- tralia,” Dr Rikard-Bell said.
The revised calibrations will be available through AusScan in early 2019.
AusScan Online is a rev- olutionary online platform giving access to unique near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy calibrations for feed grains.
AusScan Online contin- ues to grow in Australia and globally, with total scans through Aunir UK
exceeding 11,000 for the 2018 September quarter.
In 2017/18, Austral- ian sub-licensees scanned almost 4000 samples per month, of which 75 percent were for cereal energy, unlike the inter- national market in which 80 percent of scans re- quested are for soyabean meal reactive lysine.
Protein-rich feedstuffs such as soybean meal are often subjected to heat processing before inclu- sion in monogastric diets.
Dr Rikard-Bell said measuring the content of reactive lysine, or the portion of lysine that is chemically intact as a per- centage of total lysine in soybean meal, can act as a measure of heat damage during processing.
“AusScan’s reactive ly- sine calibration is a meas- ure of the soybean meal quality and it’s proved an extremely valuable cali- bration for nutritionists and feedmills around the world when formulating feeds with soybean meal.”
In 2018, AusScan also upgraded the reactive ly- sine calibration for soy- bean meal, including 24 samples of soybean meal
processed in China.
Dr Rikard-Bell said the
upgrade had further im- proved the calibration ro- bustness by 22.7 percent and the accuracy by 23.6 percent.
“With an AusScan agen- cy soon to be launched in China, this is welcome news for Chinese nutri- tionists and feed millers.”
AusScan has success- fully established Ingot Check, an international online quality assurance program, with all Austral- ian integrators and labora- tories using AusScan.
The scheme involves monthly scanning of sam- ples of ground wheat, soybean and canola with known NIRS and wet chemistry values.
Each NIR machine is compared to the Aunir mother machines and a monthly report indicates the variance over time and between laboratories.
Dr Rikard-Bell said the Ingot Check service had received excellent feed- back, providing laborato- ries with an independent, quality-assured monthly quality assessment.
Farm financial performance to decline in southeastern Australia for 2018-19
DROUGHT condi- tions in southeastern Australia will see the average farm cash in- come of broadacre farms decline by near- ly $70,000 per farm in 2018-19 relative to the previous year.
ABARES execu- tive director Dr Steve Hatfield-Dodds said the new ABARES report re- leased recently provides a perspective on the im- pact of the drought.
“This report confirms that average farm fi- nancial performance in southeastern Australia will be significantly worse in 2018-19, but not to the levels experienced during the 2002-03 and 2006-07 droughts,” Dr Hatfield-Dodds said.
“The impacts of the drought on farm finan-
cial performance will be variable, largely in line with regional dif- ferences in the severity of rainfall deficiencies.
“Average farm cash incomes in 2018-19 are forecast to be 58 percent lower in NSW and 31 percent lower in South Australia, albeit from comparatively high levels in the preceding year.
“Within NSW, the largest declines are ex- pected in the northern and western parts of the state, where the impact of rainfall deficien- cies on farm financial performance have been particularly apparent in 2018-19.”
Average farm cash in- comes are expected to fall across all industries in southeastern Aus- tralia, with the sharpest
falls recorded among grain producers and dairy farms.
“Lower milk produc- tion, higher fodder costs and reduced herd sizes mean average farm busi- ness profit for this in- dustry is forecast to be over $150,000 lower per farm in 2018-19 com- pared with the previ- ous year,” Dr Hatfield- Dodds said.
“Though sheep spe- cialists have not been spared the impacts of drought, favour- able prices for wool and sheepmeat are expected to limit the worst of the effects.
“It is important to note that the final picture for farm incomes in south- eastern Australia in 2018-19 will depend on the success of summer
crops in northern NSW and southern Queens- land.
“Good outcomes for summer cropping are likely to improve crop- ping farm incomes in these regions.
“The improved availa- bility of fodder and feed grains may also benefit livestock producers.”
Detailed projections of farm financial perform- ance for 2018-19 across all states and territories will be available at the Outlook 2019 confer- ence in March.
View drought impacts on broadacre and dairy farms in southeastern Australia at agriculture.
Find out more about Outlook 2019 by visit- ing abares/outlook

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