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Strategically driven RDE for the Australian pork supply chain
AUSTRALIAN Pork Limited recently com- pleted a review of its Research Development and Extension invest- ment model against current and future in- dustry needs.
It explored new ways of investing in innova- tion for the benefit of the industry.
For the industry to gain competitive ad- vantage, significant and transformational inno- vation is needed.
Engaging with these forms of innovation re- quires an entrepreneuri- al culture, aligned skills and capacity and an in- vestment model that is agile, fast, flexible and leverages collaborative value within the pork sector and beyond its boundaries to include other sectors and inter- national opportunities.
The review asked:
• Is APL’s current RDE model fit for purpose giv- en the rapid changes and advancements in industry such as digital, bio and ag tech, which is occurring worldwide?
• Is APL missing op- portunities due to its current approach to in- vestment?
• Where and what are the opportunities to in- vite in new players?
• How does APL in- crease the impact of its investments through partnerships and lever- age?
A new RDE invest- ment model, ‘Industry Solutions and Horizons’, was recently approved by the APL Board.
The Solutions port- folio will focus on re- sponding to the imme- diate needs of industry, be open for proposals all year and will have streamlined manage- ment and approvals.
The Horizons port- folio will focus invest- ment through a small number of key strategic programs (or Strategic Intents) that are consid- ered to offer the poten- tial for transformational outcomes for the indus- try in terms of cost, rev- enue and/or risk.
These key programs will be developed
through a process of en- gagement and prioritisa- tion with all members of the supply chain and other key stakeholders.
This engagement pro- cess will involve exten- sive consultation with producers, research providers, veterinarians, consultants, processors, farm staff, govern- ment and other industry stakeholders.
This will include the release of a consultation paper requesting writ- ten submissions from all industry stakeholders, APL communications, industry newsletters and notices and discussions at targeted producer meet- ings around Australia.
More details about outcomes of the review and its implementation will be provided over coming weeks.
If you would like to further discuss, please feel free to contact Heather Channon (heather.channon@aus or Andrew Spencer (an drew.spencer@australi
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Aussie Farms
online attack map
used for break-in
MINISTER for Agricul- ture David Littleproud has again called on ani- mal activist group Aus- sie Farms to pull down its map of Australian farms after a business on the map was broken into.
“I said the Aussie Farms map was an attack map for activists and I was right,” Minister Littleproud said.
“A piggery on the map has now been broken into by animal activists who have broadcast their il- legal activities on Face- book.
“The safety of farming families and their chil- dren is at risk here.
“If this activist attack map remains online, I fear someone will be seriously hurt or worse.
“Nobody would like their family home address being broadcast to the world and especially not next to information that is wrong in many cases.
“I think the truth is the Aussie Farms organisa- tion knows full well its map is being used to plan attacks on farming family
businesses and the group is fine with that.
“They’ve lost sight of their cause and lost com- munity support and must stop intimidating farming families.”
Minister Littleproud said Aussie Farms should stop being so reckless and pull the farm map down before someone is killed.
“Bill Shorten must con- demn this group and this map,” he said.
“Bill Shorten must call this out before the worst happens.
“Labor voting against drought support is one thing but saying noth- ing about a map which displays the addresses of Australian farming fami- lies – often with incor- rect information about the farm – is something else.
“Following a recent Queensland case in which a trespassing animal ac- tivist got a $350 fine for her third offence, I also call on the states to beef up their trespass laws.”
Pork producers under threat
AFRICAN swine fe- ver is a hot topic, with authorities recently discovering the con- tagious virus in sam- ples of pork products at Australian airports and mail centres.
Farmers should be proactive in protecting their animals from this devastating virus.
One Australian com- pany with in-field de- contamination expe- rience has produced equipment to protect against this threat.
Aussie Pumps is Aus- tralia’s leading producer of high-pressure water blasters.
The company has de- veloped a range of hot water steam cleaners for fast decontamination and hygienic cleaning.
Using Aussie Pumps’ steam pressure cleaners decreases cleaning time by up to 40 percent, with the steam also re- ducing drying time af- ter cleaning.
These machines are designed particularly with primary producers in mind.
The Aussie Super Indy range includes single and three-phase steam- ers with pressures as high as 4000psi.
Aussie Pumps’ Super Indy series are built tough, featuring heavy- duty impact-resistant stainless steel covers.
The cover is mounted on a robust steel chassis with integrated front- mounted bumper.
Aussie Pumps product manager Mal Patel said, “We decided to move away from European- style machines with their traditional poly or plastic components.”
“The machines are loaded with features to
make it easy and safe to use but provide plenty of capability for fast, effective cleaning and sanitising.
“The option of high- pressure detergent in- jection adds another level of efficiency.
These pumps are a heavy-duty Italian tri- plex design, running at 1450rpm for long and continuous trouble-free life.
The range starts with a 240V single-phase machine delivering 1500psi and 12l/pm f low.
The machine reaches 120C, providing loads of steam power.
Three-phase machines are also available in a powerful 3000psi con- figuration with big flows of 19l/pm.
“We developed a 3000psi unit with the ability to ‘wash and flush’, delivering high flow and pressure,” Pa- tel said.
“This lifts productivity
and reduces downtime.” The mild steel burner coils are covered by a free extended warranty
of up to two years.
A stainless steel burn- er coil option comes with a three-year war-
The new Aussie Super
Indy range offers timed ‘Total Stop’ designed to shut the machine off af- ter the operator releases the trigger of the gun.
This not only reduces wear on the machine but saves power.
“We learnt what works when a similar disease threat struck the cotton industry over a decade ago,” Patel said.
Our Aussie ‘Muck- off’ cold water blaster worked to prevent con- tamination on big in- field equipment.”
Further information and a free booklet on how to protect your farm is available from Aussie Pumps distribu- tors and aussiepumps.
In-field decontamination with Aussie’s Super Indy prevents harmful disease from spreading.
Page 8 – Australian Pork Newspaper, March 2019

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