Page 12 - Australian Pork Newspaper
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Water soluble probiotics
AN animal’s body con- tains billions of live bac- teria, many of which are located in the intestine.
reduce the incidence of disease.
the use of antibiotics is increasingly restricted.
maintenance of intestinal health and performance of livestock.
Intestinal bacteria make up an animal’s micro- biome.
Probiotics are live mi- croorganisms that pro- mote a healthy balance of intestinal bacteria or balanced microbiome and have been linked to a wide range of health benefits.
Bacillus and lacto- bacillus probiotics are proven tools to grow healthier animals, with increased nutrient utilisa- tion leading to better pro- duction performance.
When present in drinking water and in the gastrointestinal tract of young animals, this pow- erful combination of pro- biotics can stabilise the gut during stressful situa- tions associated with feed changes, transportation or an increase in tempera- ture.
The microbiome is unique to each individual and changes throughout an animal’s life based on their diet and exposure to different environments and stressors.
Feeding probiotics may help strengthen the im- mune system and help re- duce the risk of infection and diseases.
Bacillus and lactoba- cillus employ multiple modes of action to pro- mote intestinal function and health, while pre- venting gastrointestinal infections.
A Victorian food company went safety first by installing a Venturi Aerator.
The bacteria in the microbiome help digest food, regulate the immune system and protect against other bacteria that cause disease.
Feeding a sufficient amount of the right pro- biotics is important for achieving the desired ef- fects.
ZamiPro-LSL comes in a convenient, pre-meas- ured pouch for water de- livery and is now avail- able in Australia.
Safety first with Venturi
It is important therefore to maintain a balanced microbiome in livestock to enhance growth and
Probiotics can be fed through drinking water and feed.
Contact a Zamira an- imal health expert today for advice specific to your farming needs, zamira.
Because of this, op- erators can maintain the equipment quickly, easily and safely instead of having aerators floating
They did not have to sac- rifice efficiency either, as a Venturi Aerator can pro- duce as much as 1.86kg/ kWh of dissolved oxygen.
Excellent quality Concrete Slats for Piggeries
■ Farrowing and weaner crates, growers and baconer pens. ■ Feed hopper with stainless steel trough.
■ Farrowing flooring with a 10mm gap; weaners flooring with a 12mm gap; and growers flooring with a 15mm gap.
Diagonal Farrowing Crate.
Straight Farrowing Crate.
The livestock industry has entered an era where
A patented device, the Venturi Aerator contains no moving parts.
• The kinetic energy of the wastewater discharged through the Venturi Aer- ator oxygenator has suffi- cient force to accomplish a thorough equalisation and mixing of the con- tents of the lagoon.
Ph (02) 6644 6065
Mobile 0437 431 901 | Email
2 Clark Rd, Junction Hill • PO Box 421, Grafton NSW 2460
Head Office:
Victoria: Freecall:
Vereyken Bros. Pty Ltd ABN 11 003 543 548
Ben Slots 1800 999 245
Anytime or (02) 6644 6065 Mobile: 0437 431 901
Phone: (03) 9462 4266 Mobile: 0418 388 842
Page 12 – Australian Pork Newspaper, March 2021
ZamiPro-LSL is a water-soluble probiotic powder containing high concentrations of lacto- bacillus plantarum, ba- cillus subtilis and bacillus licheniformis to support the development and
Victoria has gone safety first by installing a Ven- turi Aerator instead of surface-mounted aera- tors.
boats, cranes or floating walkways to access.
• The dosing of microbes and nutrients into a liquid ensures their widespread distribution and uniform dispersion in the liquid being treated
A FOOD company in in the lagoon requiring
• Separating emulsified fats, oils and greases from the liquid
Liquids pumped through the Venturi Aerator unit are saturated with mas- sive amounts of dissolved oxygen, by aspirating up to 7.5 mg/L of ambient oxygen into the liquid.
The above process en- hancements are all pro- duced concurrently simply by continuous re- circulation of the process wastewater through the Venturi Aerator waste- water oxygenator.
The Venturi Aerator adds up to two volumes of ambient air to one volume of liquid being pro- cessed – about 20 percent standard oxygen transfer rating – and is used for:
Venturi aerators are powered by Gorman-Rupp bank-mounted pumps that accelerate pumped fluid through the Venturi unit.
• Stripping VOHCs, es- pecially residual chlorine from the liquid to pre- vent degradation of the biomass
The Venturi Aerator creates a venturi effect, drawing in atmospheric air.
• Stripping CO2 from the liquid to maintain op- timal pH during aerobic digestion – CO2 is a by- product of aerobic diges- tion, as CO2 levels in a liquid increase pH is re- duced
Air and pumped fluid are mixed together under pressure.
• Fracturing digestible solids into macroscopic size to increase their sur- face area making them more readily available for digestion
The turbulent mixing facilitates the removal of soluble CO2 gas and re- duces the size of volatile solids.
• Eliminating odours such as hydrogen sulfide present in anoxic liquids by oxidation of the H2S into soluble SO4 and oxi- dising mercaptans
Discharged water is saturated with dissolved oxygen.
For more information, contact Hydro Innova- tions on 02 9898 1800 or visit hydroinnovations.

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