Page 14 - Australian Pork Newspaper
P. 14

Orego-Stim improves number of piglets weaned through maternal feeding
DRIVING piglet per- formance through im- proved maternal nutri- tion is a cost-effective way to maximise life- time performance and health of growing pig- lets, as piglets lost prior to weaning represent an economic loss as well as a welfare target.
natural products.
This trial showed that
growth performance.
In this study, Orego- Stim was fed to sows throughout gestation and lactation, and their performance and that of their progeny was com- pared with a negative control group fed no ad-
to evaluate the efficacy Sow feed intake, At weaning, the av- per sow, providing a
This work is part of the Anpario’s 4R approach – review, reduce and re- place antimicrobials re- sponsibly – which helps manage gut health and support healthier live- stock through the use of
Previous findings have shown that dietary sup- plementation of oregano essential oil in sows can decrease oxidative stress and improve piglet
Anpario conducted a randomised, blinded non-crossover trial with a commercial herd in the midwestern US, managed by Carthage Innovative Swine Solutions.
Orego-Stim is able to support sow lactation performance leading to improved piglets weaned per sow and a return on investment of 8:1. Background
of Orego-Stim sup- plemented feed in im- proving sow and piglet performance.
body condition score and health status were monitored for all sows throughout the trial.
erage piglet weight was similar, but litter weight was numerically heavier for Orego-Stim due to an increased number of piglets weaned.
margin over feed value of $A90.70 per sow per year.
Orego-Stim is a high quality, eubiotic con- taining 100 percent nat- ural oregano oil.
A total of 200 sows were balanced for parity between the two treat- ment groups at service and fed either the basal gestation and lactation ration or Orego-Stim supplemented at 500g per tonne until weaning.
Weaning was carried out at 19 days of age, at which time the number of piglets weaned per litter and litter weaning weight was recorded for both groups.
Removals were sig- nificantly reduced with Orego-Stim supplemen- tation, with an increased number of weaned pig- lets by 11 percent and a 2 percent reduction in pre-weaning mortality compared to the control.
Eubiotics such as Orego-Stim provide a natural tool for the im- provement of sow and progeny health and per- formance.
Trial design
Improving weaning performance and health which can have signifi- cant effects on lifetime performance and medi- cation use.
The trial was designed
At farrowing the total number of piglets born, numbers born alive and piglet birth weight were recorded for each sow.
The average number of piglets born alive was conserved across both groups – 14.61 versus 14.36 for control and Orego-Stim respectively.
These differences pro- vide a significant ben- efit to piglets weaned
For more information, visit
African swine fever update
THOUGH Australia remains African swine fever free, an alert was issued in early Feb- ruary by the Food and Agriculture Organisa- tion about the height- ened ASF risk in our country, with reported new variants poten- tially posing a greater threat and requiring increased vigilance for the industry.
mail items from over- seas.
signs of disease, there is increased likeli- hood of spread going undetected and uncon- trolled.
This risk was possibly further heightened with the Lunar New Year cultural event in Feb- ruary and the related increase of inbound
The reported emer- gence of variants of the ASF virus in Asia threatens to complicate the situation, which is already challenging veterinary services there.
Increased interven- tions at the border, tar- geted operations to de- tect imported product and more testing of pork product seized in the mail is underway.
Since its emergence in Asia in 2018, a total of 11,623 ASF outbreaks have been reported in the region to the World Organisation for An- imal Health – concern- ingly, 3288 are ongoing as of February 8, 2021.
Working with state and federal govern- ments, Australian Pork Limited remains com- mitted to biosecurity as a top priority.
With variants re- sulting in less obvious
For more informa- tion, visit australian
Orego-Stim provides significant benefit to piglets weaned per sow. Photo: Kameron Kincade
Page 14 – Australian Pork Newspaper, March 2021

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