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PQI representing Queensland pork producers
PORK Queensland Inc is a not-for-profit member- ship representative for all Queensland pig produc- ers, contract growers and Pig industry associates. What does PQI offer members?
• PQI provides a repre- sentative role for all mem- bers, taking up issues that impact on the broader pork industry.
•PQI holds associate membership with Queens- land Farmers’ Federation to gain a collective voice with other intensive farm- ing industries as well as engaging with Australian Pork Limited to address specific Queensland is- sues around legislation and key issues impacting Queensland producers.
• PQI sits on a num- ber of Queensland DAF/ Government industry representative com- mittees including bio- security and animal wel- fare and farm raid/police
and industry taskforces. • PQI provides an ad- ditional channel for in- dustry to have its say as a state farming organisation interacting with produc- ers and delegates to better present issues to the na- tional pork industry body APL or to Queensland
What has PQI achieved in the 2018/19 year?
• PQI has gained a po- sition on the DAF Bio- security Reference group.
• PQI has a position on the Ag Ministers Bio- security and Welfare Ad- visory Group.
• PQI was a key indus-
try member in challeng- ing the Mister of Agri- culture to increase the penalties for trespass and the new on-the-spot fines for breaches of the Bio- security Regulations.
• PQI gained a seat on the QFF Animal Welfare Advisory Council.
• PQI provided assis- tance to producers look- ing to get drought relief.
• PQI also provides a conduit for producers to raise issues with govern- ment around the laws ap- plying to pig farmers.
• PQI provides a conduit to APL for farmers not represented by a delegate. How can you become involved?
Membership for PQI for 2019/2020 is due for re- newal and your support and contribution is re- quired for PQI to continue to work for you, as many challenges still lay before us, these include:
• Grain prices due to the ongoing drought;
• ASF and biosecurity plans;
• Australian border con- trol of ASF;
• Skilled labour short- ages; and
• Activism threats and the need for trespass pros- ecutions.
What is being offered?
During 2017/2018 due to the impacts of the contin- uing pork industry crisis and ongoing drought con- ditions, Pork Queensland Inc offered a complimen- tary 12 months’ member- ship to any Queensland pork producer.
While the impacts of the drought are far from over, PQI is calling on Queensland pig farmers to support the representative organisation and renew or join membership for the next financial year. Membership fees and structure for 2019/20 year
• Pig producers with up to 300 sows or contract growers: $150 per annum.
• Pig producers with more than 300 sows: $300 per annum.
• Pig industry associ- ates (feed suppliers, vets, equipment suppliers): $200 per annum.
With the interests of the Queensland pork industry at heart, Pork Queensland Inc calls on producers and associates to renew mem- bership or become a new member today.
For any more informa- tion, call me on 0407 622 166, email me at john. or get in touch via robyn.
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Aussie pork producers
join the fight against
motor neurone disease
AUSTRALIAN pork producers have teamed up with Coles and Fight- MND from May 8 to June 16 as 10c from every fresh pork prod- uct sold will go directly towards helping to find a cure for motor neurone disease.
MND gradually takes away patients’ use of their arms and legs, their abil- ity to eat and swallow, their speech and ultimate- ly their ability to breathe.
The average life expec- tancy from diagnosis is just 27 months and on av- erage two to three Aus- tralians are diagnosed and another two to three lose the fight against the dis- ease each day.
FightMND’s campaign director Bec Daniher said the support of Coles and Aussie pork farmers is in- credibly important in the fight against MND and the continued pursuit to discover effective treat- ments and a cure for the disease.
“Having Coles and Aus- sie pork farmers rally be- hind us to get the message out about the fight against MND is making an im- pact.
“We are fighting back, we are starting to land some blows and with the public’s help, we know we will find an answer.
“The significant con- tribution is helping to continue to fund vital research projects in the hopes to find treatment and cure for motor neu- rone disease.”
The donation applies to about 40 different types
of packs of Coles Brand fresh pork sold at Coles, from spare ribs to sirloin steak, scotch fillet, loin chops, roasts, schnitzel, cutlets and mince.
Australian Pork Lim- ited’s general manager Marketing Peter Haydon said he is proud of the in- dustry for making a stand to support such a worth- while cause.
“Proving their commit- ment to this campaign, Australian pork produc- ers have also pledged to donate to FightMND dur- ing the appeal period,” Mr Haydon said.
“We encourage Aussies to follow in their footsteps where they are able to.”
Coles chief operating officer Greg Davis said he expects customers will embrace the opportunity to support MND by buy- ing pork during the ap- peal.
“We’re delighted to band together with our pork farmers to take the fight against MND to the su- permarket aisles.
“Customers can buy Coles Brand fresh pork during the appeal know- ing they will be contrib- uting to a very worthy cause.”
To support FightMND and Australian pork producers as they unite against MND, visit any Coles store nationwide during the campaign and look for the sticker on packs of fresh pork.
For more information on MND and other ways in which you can help, visit
Page 8 – Australian Pork Newspaper, June 2019
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