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Leon Hall from BASF co-ordinated the seminar.
Dr David Torrallardona from IRTA Spain. Dr Peter Ader from BASF Germany.
BASF Brisbane seminar on pig gut flora
DrTorrallardona answered questions post-presentation.
• Reduce the feed’s buff- ering capacity by adding organic acids or removing calcium.
BASF recently hosted a seminar in Brisbane to discuss aspects of pig feed additives on gut flora stabilisation and Australian Pork News- paper was there to cover the event.
the need of antibiotics for prevention and therapy in pig nutrition.
quality, highly digestible, palatable diets low in an- tinutritional factors:
proving pig gut health and performance evaluated, with some tests showing it achieved the same level of efficacy as the antibi- otic treatment post-E. coli challenge.
Two international speak- ers headlined the event, the first of which was Dr David Torrallardona from the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology, Spain.
• Use processed starch sources where possible.
An author of several scientific publications and contributions to in- ternational nutrition meet- ings, Dr Torrallardona discussed his experiences in Europe on minimising
Dr Torrallardona broke down the various alterna- tives and evaluated their merit.
• Minimise soluble non- starch polysaccharides and use carbohydrases to improve availability of short chain oligosaccha- rides.
There appears to be some trophic effect on gut mucosa and spore form- ing protects viability of the probiotic throughout feed production, gastric passage (acid) and duo- denal passage (digestive enzymes).
He talked about how antibiotics are currently used in pig production and then noted several alternatives including modification of the diet to incorporate pre- and probiotics, initiating anti- microbial activity and im- munomodulatory activity.
• Minimise crude pro- tein content (the use of synthetic amino acids can help) and use specialty protein sources.
Research on the probiot- ic, clostridium butyricum found competitive exclu- sion likely by acetic and butyric acid excretion or by preventing colonisation of pathogens by adhesion to the mucosal surface.
It was found that in 830 peer-reviewed papers (2019 trials) published between 1990 and 2017, prebiotics and oligosac- charides commonly had a significantly positive ef- fect on pig performance in the form of average daily gain and average daily feed intake.
• Add some insoluble NSP source such as wheat bran and use coarser grain grinding.
Resistant starch/fi- bre was mentioned with a negative effect on the same performance param- eters more often than it re- ceived a positive notation.
• Extra supply of nutri- ents to support GIT mu- cosa and immune func- tion (such as SAA, trypto- phan, threonine, reduced n-6:n-3 ratio).
Dissecting the three ac- tive agents to support gut health – BASF Amasil NA (buffered formic acid), monobutyrin and clostrid- ium butyricum – showed potential complementary effects in feed, in stomach, in digesta and in mucosa.
Moving on to in-feed antibiotic alternatives, probiotics and yeasts, the percentage of published trials reporting significant positive effects increased substantially, with over 40 percent of trials netting positive impacts on some parameters.
He also recommended the use of additives to op- timise the GIT functions (digestion and barrier) and the composition of the mi- crobiota through enzymes (phytases and carbohy- drases) and alternatives to antibiotics (organic acids, probiotics and so on).
1. Impact on feed diges- tion: Improve feed preser- vation/hygiene and digest- ibility with organic acids (formic acid and propi- onic acid).
Antimicrobial peptides and bacteriophages are known to be very effective against certain bacteria, however they have a nar- row spectrum of activity so need to be used wisely.
Dr Ader has been active in the feed additive indus- try since 2000 and has experience with the tech- nical application of ad- ditives such as enzymes, probiotics, organically bound trace elements, coccidiostats, AGPs and herbal extracts.
A large percentage of trials showed positive effects from the use of lysozyme and zinc oxide/ copper sulphate on the performance of pigs.
At the seminar, he dis- cussed ‘antibiotic preven- tative’ products, with the fastest growth of replace- ment products expected for probiotics, yeasts and prebiotics.
3. Impact on carcass: Reduced transfer of path- ogens into the human food chain (salmonella spp., E. coli) by monobutyrin.
Care should be taken, however, as zinc and cop- per are possible contribu- tors to antimicrobial re- sistance and long periods of high doses can result in severe adverse effects for the animal and the environment.
Dr Ader noted the eff- ectiveness of formic acid on pH and buffer capac- ity of a pre-starter and on feed conversion ratio and frequency of diarrhoea in piglets.
At the conclusion of Dr Ader’s presentation, at- tendees were given the op- portunity to ask questions to clarify their knowledge of the topics presented.
In summary, Dr Tor- rallardona recommended that for diets without anti- biotics, zinc or copper, pigs should be fed good-
Monobutyrin was then extensively analysed and its effectiveness in im-
For any further informa- tion on the additives and results presented, don’t hesitate to get in touch with BASF on 03 8855 6600 or visit nutrition.
The second speaker at the event was Dr Peter Ader from BASF, Ger- many.
2.Impact on gut health and digestion: Permeabi- lisation of pathogens by mono-glycerides from monobutyrin; Competi- tive exclusion of patho- gens by clostridium bu- tyricum; Benefits to gut mucosa by butyrate from monobutyrin and clostridium butyricum; Benefits to digestion by monobutyrin(emulsifying effects).
Page 10 – Australian Pork Newspaper, September 2018
Those in attendance learnt a great deal from the knowledgeable presenters.

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