Page 12 - Australian Pork Newspaper
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Exercise Razorback workshop considers destruction plans
Manufacturer improves efficiency
MORE than 80 industry participants logged on an online Exercise Ra- zorback workshop on September 15, which focused on destruction activities.
the practical application of Australia’s emergency animal disease response arrangements and ex- plores decision-making processes regarding policy, operational, com- munication and resource issues that may arise during an ASF response.
taking part in the intro- ductory session, with spe- cial acknowledgement for the participation and in- sights of US pig industry veterinarian Dr Paul Yeske.
WHEN looking to replace their unreli- able surface aerators to save maintenance costs and improve ef- ficiency, the facility environmental engi- neer of a soup produc- tion facility contacted Hydro Innovations.
annual operating cost savings of more than $112,000.
crane for removal, re- pair and to reinstall the restored pump at addi- tional cost for each oc- currence.
With better circulation and cooling in the EQ tank the fats, oils and grease are now floated for separation and treat- ment, so they are not being discharged with the effluent to the local treatment works, thus reducing surcharges.
Exercise Razorback is an ongoing initiative as- sessing national, jurisdic- tional and industry deci- sion-making processes in the event of an African swine fever incursion in Australia.
Australia Pork Limited ASF liaison officer Dr Kirsty Richards praised producers, processors, vets and other pork in- dustry stakeholders for
Dr Yeske shared a timely insight into recent destruction activities as- sociated with COVID-19 in the US pork industry.
After the sugges- tion and installation of a Venturi Aeration system, the manufac- turer greatly improved efficiency and made significant annual cost savings.
The system improved the overall equalisa- tion tank performance to produce clearer ef- fluent, controlling odours, settling solids, cooling the water and hydrolysing fats, oils and greases causing them to float for easier removal.
As the submerged pumps were failing once or twice a year, the company began to look for a more viable aeration, mixing and equalisation solution to meet its compliance ob- ligations.
The soup manu- facturer was able to achieve a $6000 annual energy cost reduction, an $89,000 annual re- duction in chemical costs, a $12,000 annual reduction in non-com- pliance charges, and further maintenance cost reductions.
The initiative road tests
“DrYeske’spresentation was an excellent intro- duction to the challenges posed, and to the gaps ex- ecution identified in their preparedness,” Dr Rich- ards said.
The former method was to add dissolved oxygen to mix and equalise the contents in the EQ tank using sub- merged aerators.
The facility environ- mental engineer made the decision to replace the existing aerators with a Venturi Aeration Model VA-1400 aerator and a T8 Gorman-Rupp pump.
Dr Paul Yeske
SFMCA FeedSafe Accredited
The aerators had been
Soya beans used in our meals are NOT genetically modified! CONTACT:
Dr RichaSrodysa baelasnos usaeidin our mweaelslfareNsOtaTngdeanerdticsa. lly modified!
t to
Bennie St, Industrial Estate, Dalby
and federal jurisdictions,
their animals and crops,
Ph (07) 4662 4333
Animal Health Australia
pose unacceptable risks farmers’ abilities to op-
treme and disruptive actions of activists, the federal and Queensland governments legislated more appropriate punish- ments for these actions.
A/Hrs (07) 4663 5534
and international con- have implications for to produce the highest tributions from Canada, food security. quality food, fibre and
Tormenting law- abiding farmers and their families – together with increased risk to bios- ecurity, food safety, an- imal welfare, workplace health and safety, and business disruption – is unacceptable.
We use whole soya beans not gradings to supply you with a quality meal
The constant threat of foliage.
Page 12 – Australian Pork Newspaper, October 2020
PQI recognises and re- spects the right of in- dividuals and groups
“The US experience has given us a better idea about modelling destruc- tion plans for different scenarios here in Aus- tralia – parts of whole of 1000-sow, 2500-sow and 5000-sow piggeries.
Venturi Aeration line of wastewater treatment products were intro- duced to Australia after successful application by food processors in the US and Europe.
The idea was that the dissolved oxygen was supposed to cause fats, oils and grease to float, so they could be cap- tured and not be dis- charged with the plant’s effluent into the pub- licly owned treatment works.
The Venturi aerator was designed to handle 82L/s, which allows the contents of the EQ tank to be recirculated four times during a 24- hour period, achieving greater oxygen transfer, and better mixing and equalisation.
The facility now has a system that works within its discharge permit parameters and there is less concern over maintenance issues and associated costs.
“The session really un- derpinned the importance for all producers to have a destruction plan.”
The aerators have been particularly suc- cessful in the Australian market, especially in the food process sector, where Venturi aerator applications treat the wastewater.
The submerged aera- tors were supposed to also provide cooling of the influent process washdown water at around 40C.
For more information, visit hydroinnovations. or call 02 9898 1800.
The next workshop, to convene in mid-October, will consider different de- struction techniques and their suitability for appli- cation at piggeries of dif- ferent scales and produc- tion systems.
Venturi Aeration sys-
tems are used in con-
junction with Gorman-
Rupp pumps, and can
be mounted on banks in operation for sev- of basins and lagoons eral years and were not instead of having to be achieving the desired
The group will also
installed within them. conditioning objectives.
identify constraints to The result of con- Further, if one of the
currently approved de- verting to Venturi aera- submersible pumps
struction methods, and the
ductiSoFn MfacCiliAty was an company had to rent a
likely costs and resources associated with destruc- tion activities.
for the soup
pro- plugged or failed,
“The participation of
Trespassing punishment must fit the crime
industry representatives
is of significant value in
bringing an operational perspective to this pro- cess, so the time and input of all industry participants is greatly appreciated,” Dr Richards said.
IN recent years, Pork Queensland Inc has experienced ongoing coordinated activist at- tacks, despite adhering to world leading animal
to meet and engage in peaceful protest to pursue common goals.
President’s Perspective
COaNndTAunCjuTst:ified actions
ognisetheongoingcom- invadefarmers’privacyP,TY byJOHNCOWARD
Animal welfare and lib- eration movements have been in Australia for a long time and in many cases have created posi- tive change.
it was imp
These activists’ radical
However, there has been a disturbing change in the behaviour of an- imal rights groups pur- suing their cause in re- cent times.
mitment to Exercise Ra-
threaten the welfare of
zorback fro
m ac
Bennie St, Industrial Estate, Dalby
the UK, Ireland anAd N/Hewrs (07) 4663 5534
to their businesses and erate their businesses
Ph (07) 4662 4333
We buy quality grain to supply you with quality meal
being targeted hinders
In response to the ex-
At federal government level, the action of pub- lishing material via a car- riage service, with the in- tention to incite trespass, property damage and theft on agricultural land has been criminalised.
While in Queensland, protesters unlawfully en- tering farmland now face up to one year in jail or a fine of more than $60,000.
If the newly intro- duced penalties do not adequately deter and penalise unlawful entry, governments must find a way to prevent the tres- pass offences to begin with, as well as a punish- ment to fit the serious- ness of the crime. COVID-19
Producers are urged to review trespass and bios- ecurity plans, to support convictions of persons breaching these laws.
PQI continues to work with Queensland govern- ment departments and Safe Food Production Queensland, establishing guidelines and protocols to limit a business’ expo- sure to the impacts of a positive COVID-19 case in a work environment.
Despite additional pen- alties, in September an activist group invaded a piggery near Pitts- worth and, with the cur- rent global pandemic, the risks are even more serious for farmers, their families and their workers.
For more information, visit Workforce shortages
At a time when Queens- land producers are strug- gling to remain produc- tive and profitable, fur- ther repercussions asso- ciated with a biosecurity outbreak – be it plant, animal or human with COVID-19 – would be debilitating.
Assistance has been provided to the industry on overseas worker avail- ability, ensuring both state and federal gov- ernments understand the dire situation many farms are facing in not being able to take on new or re- placement personnel for their workforce.

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