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An exciting and challenging new start
Pork Industry Calendar of Events
JUL-OCT – 2020 High Quality Pork ‘20 Seminars – MSD Animal Health
NOV 2-4 – Annual NIAA Antibiotic Symposium, VIRTUAL, www. Antibiotic-Symposium
NOV 3-4 – Saskatchewan Pork Industry Symposium 2020, ONLINE symposium
NOV 23-25 – Int. Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Vet. Med. - VIRTUAL
MAY 25-26 – RESCHEDULED British Pig and Poultry Fair Warwickshire, UK
JUN 9-10 – RESCHEDULED Alberta Pork Congress, Alberta, Canada
JUN 9-11 – World Pork Expo, Iowa, US
AUG tbc – Kingaroy Baconfest www.
How to supply event details: Send all details to Australian Pork Newspaper, PO Box 162, Wynnum, Qld 4178, call 07 3286 1833 or email:
07 3286 1833
SINCE commencing with Australian Pork Limited in August, I have found my new po- sition both exciting and challenging.
Another is looking at ventative, through the
A highlight has been meeting so many dif- ferent people for the first time, even if it was virtu- ally rather than face-to- face.
General Manager – Research & Innovation
Zinc oxide is being banned in the European Union in 2022 due to heavy metal contamina- tion, and while it will continue to be permitted in sunscreens, moving away from it in weaner diets is a priority.
Estimated at up to an annual saving of $40 million, this project will have added benefits in antimicrobial reduction, quicker turnaround of test results and more full- value carcasses.
I haven’t been to APL’s Canberra offices and so far, thanks to interstate border restrictions which have prevented me from leaving Victoria, this re- mains the case.
involved in biosecurity and agricultural jurisdic- tions.
regular rotation of cap- tive bolts and firearms to avoid misfiring during overheating when de- stroying thousands of head?
Herd health is a large contributor to direct med- ication costs, labour, lost productivity and carcass damage.
Complementing this investment, APL has in- vested in a project with Swinburne University to further develop new adjuvants in vaccines to prolong the immunity re- sponse.
I think of how these restrictions impact the movement of skilled la- bour and stock as well as disruption to abattoir and processing, in compara- tive terms to an African swine fever outbreak.
Much is being learned from overseas cases of emergency animal dis- eases on the applica- tion of scientific-based recommendations in as- sisting governments for tailoring their responses.
Current projects are un- derway to investigate the benefits of cysteamine hydrochloride, betaine and chromium to en- hance feed efficiency and lean meat production.
One such project is APL’s investment into the development of pork multi-path diagnostic panels for enteric and respiratory bacterial and viral diseases.
It’s a great example of how APL invests in new technologies to benefit the future of pig farming practices.
It has been a timely wake-up call for many in rural industries and gov- ernment, especially those
Who would have thought to consider a
This project has major potential in changing herd health practices from reactionary to pre-
the use of quinine to slow down the gut passage rate and stabilise the gut mi- crobiome in a similar way to zinc oxide, but in a more sustainable produc- tion system.
early identification of multiple pathogens in one test before disease out- breaks occur.
State border lockdowns have been tough on many people, and particularly for those living and working in Melbourne, but they have also been quite insightful.
I have also revisited some APL-commis- sioned research literature and report reviews com- missioned by Dr Lechelle van Brada into ‘the 3Ds’ – depopulation, disposal and decontamination – and transport-related bi- osecurity issues.
Dr Rebecca Athorn heads up the produc- tion innovation portfolio within APL’s Research and Innovation team, where focus is on identi- fication and adoption of technologies that can help farmers reduce the cost of production.
APL is committed to investing in projects that have strategic intent, tar- geting what we call ‘game changing’ outcomes.
While a health survey from farms and abattoirs has highlighted the pres- ence of a new bacterial strain of Glasser’s Dis- ease, which causes pleu- risy and lung infection – work at the University of Queensland is developing a PLC test for identifica- tion.
Healthy Herd appoints Dr Rob Pattterson
HEALTHY Herds is pleased to announce the appointment of an additional experienced veterinarian.
Australian pig industry, Rob moved to Indonesia – taking on the challenge of head veterinarian for a 29,000-sow farm.
has a strong link to re- Together Jon and Rob toring capabilities. search and development. aim to provide higher Please feel free to con-
Dr Rob Patterson joined Dr Jon Bartsch at Healthy Herds on Sep- tember 21, 2020.
During this time, Rob was involved in commis- sioning new multi-site production facilities and overall health.
Healthy Herds is ex- tremely pleased to wel- come Rob to the team.
levels of support to their clients and expand their real-time health moni-
tact Healthy Herds on au or 0409 444 405.
Rob has a strong back- ground in pigs, having completed his Honours in strep suis in the early 1990s before starting his career working in a pig and cattle practice with the now retired Dr Richard Humphris.
Rob shares Dr Jon Bartsch’s aspirations for reducing antibiotic use and management-based veterinary consulting.
After Rick retired from pig consulting, Rob con- tinued working with pig- geries and running his own pig health consul- tancy business until the early 2000s.
Since returning from Indonesia, Rob has spent time in mixed practice, and for the last two years has been the senior veteri- narian at the Production Animal Health Centre for University of Adelaide’s School of Animal Health and Veterinary Sciences.
Following over 10 years working in the
Rob also has a history of developing health- based IT programs and
Dr Jon Bartsch and Dr Rob Patterson of Healthy Herds Pty Ltd.
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Page 2 – Australian Pork Newspaper, October 2020

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