Page 12 - Australian Pork Newspaper
P. 12

New ASF outbreaks recorded
Modernising the meat export regulatory system
CRITICAL govern- ment and industry ac- tion to modernise the Australian export meat inspection and regu- latory system is un- derway following the $328 million Busting Congestion for Ag- ricultural Exporters measure, announced by the Australian Gov- ernment as part of the 2020/21 Budget.
The Busting Conges-
tion for Agricultural
Exporters package will
fund reforms for Aus-
tralian agricultural sec-
tors, including the meat
processing sector, to
reduce unnecessary red
tape, get products to ex-
port markets faster and
support jobs in rural and supported by, industry remote Australia. leaders – including
“Knowing that we can
“It’s also incredibly important that we work with government to make sure that our regu- latory system continues to be contemporary, fit for purpose and robust.
more than $328.4 mil-
senior representatives
lionSFovMer CfoAur years
from 2020-21, will:
“We are proud to play our part in driving mod- ernisation for the benefit ofthewholeagricultural sector.”
• Support Australia’s
Major modernisa-
agriculture industry to
tion proposals include
grow towards a $100
of the Australian Meat Industry Council and other export meat pro- cessing establishments.
The measure also in- troduces flexible assur- ance methods, including smarter technology to ensure the Australian meat industry maintains and expands its global position as the number
billion in farm gate re- the ‘Digital Services to
impacts of COVID-19, with stepped increases to be spread over four years consistent with the government’s cost recovery policy.
departmental export systems online and pro- vide a single portal for transactions between exporters and govern- ment, streamlining processes for exporters and helping them expe- rience faster and more cost-effective services, while continuing to meet trading partners’ requirements.
one supplier of choice. AMIC’s National Processor Council chair Terry Nolan said the Australian export meat sector understood the vital role it plays in achieving our joint aim of $100 billion in farm
The measures an- nounced in the budget will support the devel- opment of a more com- petitive meat industry by bolstering Australia’s reputation as a pro- vider of high-quality safe meat, underpinned by a robust regulatory system.
The Building a More Competitive Meat In- dustry measure embeds modernisation activi- ties that will keep Aus- tralia’s export systems world leading and in- troduces new regula- tory assurance tools that reward high levels of conformance and tar- gets any areas of poor compliance.
gate returns by 2030. “A key pillar of this is building exports – and our sector plays a key role in Australia’s overall agricultural ex- port growth,” Mr Nolan
To deliver strong out- comes for the export meat processing sector, a package of modernisa- tion proposals has been developed in conjunc- tion with, and strongly
continue to deliver high- quality and safe meat products to a global market is paramount.
turns by 2030 – from $61 billion currently
Take Farmers to Mar- kets’ and ‘Building a More Competitive Meat Industry’ measures.
• Maintain and strengthen existing pref- erential access to over- seas markets
The Digital Services
• Support economic
kets measure includes
provide an investment of $222.2 and remote Australia Australia’s agricultural
recovery, and
jobs in rural, regional million to modernise
r meals are NOT genetically modified!
• Support government export systems by re- efforts in response to ducing red tape and
Industrial Estate, Dalby
and drought, and
) • Provide an imme-
and service delivery for our producers and ex- porters.
in fees and charges, to
e fr
e on
(07) 4663 5534
assist exporters with the
in to supply you with quality meal
Practically, this measure will transition
COVID-19, bushfires improving regulation
to Take Farmers to Mar-
FIVE countries have 40 outbreaks have been
inwildboarfromthestart of 2020 to October 18 – an increase of 173 since October 5.
officially recorded new cases of African swine fever in domestic pigs – Poland, Romania, Russia, South Africa and Ukraine.
confirmed in Romania – most detected between September and mid-Oc- tober.
The figure well exceeds the 6407 cases recorded for 2019.
As at October 18, 984 outbreaks of ASF among domestic pigs in Europe were recorded to the An- imal Disease Notification System of the European Commission since the start of 2020.
In addition, two dis- carded pig carcasses have tested positive for ASF.
Hungary recorded the most outbreaks with 3608 – a jump of 39 more than the previous two weeks.
Almost 57,000 pigs have been directly impacted by the outbreaks.
After a short absence, ASF has returned to two oblasts in Ukraine.
Since the beginning of October, seven other European states had con- firmed ASF outbreaks to the EC – Romania with 688 outbreaks, Bulgaria 437, Latvia 230, Slovakia 187, Lithuania 186, Ger- many 70 and Estonia 51.
With its first cases of ASF more than two years ago, Romania’s battle to control the spread of the disease continues.
In total, 87 pigs were involved in these two out- breaks, seven of which died.
Based on official reports submitted recently to the World Organisation for Animal Health, a further
ASF was last detected in Donetsk in October 2019, and as recently as the end of September in Kiev.
New cases in wild boar reported to the OIE were Hungary with 43, Ro- mania 23, Russia 3, and Germany and Latvia each with two. FARM
Affecting only backyard herds of up to 146 ani- mals, the latest outbreaks directly impacted a total of 680 pigs.
At 3387, Poland’s total had risen by 58 over the same period.
The European Commis- sion recorded 8953 con- firmed outbreaks of ASF
SFMCA FeedSafe Accredited
Soya beans used in our meals are NOT genetically modified!
Ph (07) 4662 4333
A/Hrs (07) 4663 5534
We use whole soya beans not gradings to supply you with a quality meal
Bennie St, Industrial Estate, Dalby
Germany’s agriculture ministry puts the number of wild boar infected with ASF at 86.
Since the first detec-
tion on September 10, all have been in wild boar and confined to three dis- tricts in the eastern state of Brandenburg.
The nation’s domestic pigs remaiFnOfRreeALofLtYheOU disease.
Russia’s agriculture ministry reports new cases affecting two back- yard herds in its Far Eastern Federal District,
and three of the total 21
Khabarovsk Krai.
Soya beans used in ou
pigs affected died at the
two premises located
in the same district of
Since the first outbreak in August 2019, 175 ASF
outbreaks have been in
this region of Russia,
with 4778 pigs directly
These figures are based
Bennie St,
Ph (07
We buy quality gra
on reports to the OIE.
Royal DSM completes acquisition of Erber Group
ROYAL DSM, a global science-based company in nutrition, health and sustainable living, recently an- nounced the comple- tion of its acquisition of Erber Group, for an enterprise value of $A1.6 billion.
Romer Labs.
Erber Group’s spe-
solutions for farm pro- ductivity and sustaina- bility, with an emphasis on emissions reduction, feed consumption effi- ciency, and better use of water and land.
The transaction – which excludes two smaller units in the Erber Group – is ex- pected to be earnings enhancing in the first year upon completion.
cialty animal nutrition and health business Biomin specialises pri- marily in mycotoxin risk management and gut health performance management, whereas the Romer Labs busi- ness focuses on food and feed safety diag- nostic solutions.
It is therefore very much aligned with DSM’s focus to make animal farming more sustainable from both an ecological and eco- nomical perspective.
The acquisition of Erber Group was first announced on June 12, 2020.
The acquisition of Erber Group’s Biomin further strengthens DSM’s expertise and reputation as a leading provider of animal health and nutrition
More information can be found at
DSM acquired Erber Group’s Biomin and
Both expand DSM’s range of higher value- add specialty solutions.
Romer Labs also com- plements DSM’s human nutrition and health of- fering to customers in the food and beverages market segments.
Page 12 – Australian Pork Newspaper, November 2020

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