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APRIL commercial products update
A SUCCESSFUL com- mercial product needs to be easy to adopt, provide value and maintain rel- evancy to the industry.
to assess the Ridley En- rich sow block at Purdue University’s Agricultural Research Station, West Lafayette in the US has been postponed until 2021 due to the COVID-19 pan- demic.
AusScan Online has all of these characteristics, as do other Australasian Pork Research Institute Lim- ited commercial products, such as the Ridley Enrich block and the Lawsonia intracellularis quantitative polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR) diagnostic test.
access was constrained in many parts of the world due to the COVID-19 pan- demic.
pig digestible energy in early 2021 and broiler ap- parent metabolisable en- ergy in 2022.
The calibration is ac- curate, with a correlation of 0.99 between predicted and actual faecal starch content.
The study will provide an invaluable data set ap- plicable to the US market, which is moving towards group-housed sows.
The three products, commercialised by APRIL through licensing agreements, have na- tional and international relevancy, and this year, APRIL continued to take steps towards interna- tional markets.
The implementation of a tiered-pricing scheme has enabled the company to expand the business in key global areas such as the Asian and Latin American regions.
An upgrade to the reac- tive lysine calibration for soybean will be released in early 2021, after the addition of 19 full-fat soy- bean samples imported from the UK.
Prior to the availability of AusScan Online’s faecal starch calibration, Australian dairy and feedlot producers were required to send samples overseas for analysis.
An exclusive license agreement for national and international distri- bution of the Lawsonia q-PCR diagnostic test has been signed with Apiam Animal Health, an APRIL foundation member.
AusScan Online con- tinues to be the anchor to APRIL’s commercial product portfolio.
As part of the continuous improvement program aimed at strengthening the in vivo energy calibra- tions for global uptake, APRIL will be importing nine maize grain samples from the US.
As major supermarket chains request suppliers to adopt enrichment pro- grams, the Ridley En- rich block will become increasingly relevant, be- cause it is easy to apply across all sow-housing systems.
Amanda Vardanega, Apiam’s new National Business Account Manager, Intensive Animals.
Apiam Animal
Health announces
new position
pig producers as ac- count manager and the Apiam veterinary team’s delivery of farm gate vet services by op- timising implementa- tion of veterinary herd health programs and services, to maximise production outcomes for intensive animal operations.
Despite a difficult year for the first three quarters of 2020, scans increased by 3 percent when com- pared to the same period in 2019, and this includes a period when laboratory
The maize samples will upgrade calibrations for
The calibration will allow producers to assess the efficiency of grain processing and the overall digestibility of cereal grains.
Results from the Pork CRC commercialisation project, ‘Development of Commercially-Viable Enrichment Programs for Group-Housed Sows’, in- dicated that the enrich- ment block was used in a similar way to straw, lucerne and silage.
The test is primarily for herd health monitoring of ileitis control using pooled pen faecal samples but can diagnose ileitis in individual pigs.
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■ Farrowing flooring with a 10mm gap; weaners flooring with a 12mm gap; and growers flooring with a 15mm gap.
Diagonal Farrowing Crate.
Straight Farrowing Crate.
Locally, Milne Ag- rigroup in Western Aus- tralia and an integrated broiler operation have both signed up to Aus- Scan Online.
In other AusScan On- line news, APRIL can announce that a new near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy calibration is now available to Aus- Scan Online users for the determination of faecal starch content in cattle and dairy cows.
The Ridley Enrich sow block has continued to sell in 2020, with repeat sales to key clientele.
The diagnostic test is now available to Aus- tralian pork producers for the detection of sub- clinical and clinical ileitis in pigs.
The Ridley Enrich sow block.
A 2020 research project
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Page 8 – Australian Pork Newspaper, December 2020
The study noted that in- jury scores at day 30 after mixing were reduced for all enrichment treatments compared to the control sows with no enrichment.
Health are pleased to announce the appoint- ment of Amanda Var- danega to the position of National Business Account Manager, In- tensive Animals.
The cost of the enrich- ment block program over the first 30 days of gesta- tion was $0.19 per sow per day, and compared well to silage of $0.14, straw $0.20 and lucerne $0.25.
The availability of this diagnostic test, to distin- guish between clinical and sub-clinical disease, will improve the control and management of ileitis – a major enteric disease of pigs in Australia and around the world.
Amanda has a long- established association and passion for the Australian pig industry – having started her journey in the industry with the Pork Council of Australia and re- cently her role with MSD Animal Health, where she spent over 20 years focused on customer support and improving animal pro- duction with pig pro- ducers and veterinar- ians.
Amanda commences the role with Apiam from Monday De- cember 7 and is looking forward to catching up with pig producers and vets over the coming months.
Globally, the Enrich block will be a competi- tive product as major food groups look to assess different types of enrich- ment.
The Lawsonia q-PCR is available from the Eliza- beth Macarthur Agricul- tural Institute (EMAI) in Menangle NSW or ACE Laboratory Services, con- tact au
In her new role,
Please feel free to contact Amanda on 0427 011 579 or amanda.vardanega@
Clinical disease can be mitigated with vaccina- tion, hygiene and medi- cation, however sub-clin- ically affected pigs will mean producers may not actually be aware of Law- sonia-induced production losses, which can signifi- cantly reduce net revenue.
APIAM Animal Amanda will support

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