Page 12 - Australian Pork Newspaper
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Complete feedmill including pellet press. Located Warwick QLD area piggery.
Contact Reilly Pastoral Co on 07 4662 3365
Not all coronaviruses are created equal
Phone: 02 9609 7922
Fax: 02 9609 7923
How to move animal waste sludge – an easy task for the right pump
MOVING animal waste sludge can be a difficult proposition for pumps.
The pumps are also capable of delivering pressures up to 15 bar, enabling them to push the sludge material over high static lifts or through long pipelines.
per minute up to 180 cu- bic metres per hour can be delivered, depending on pump model.
tre rapid release cam and lever system.
making them ideal for tank emptying and fill- ing operations.
PO Box 6370 Wetherill Park BC NSW 2164
Suppliers of Elite nutrition and solutions
Kym Miller Mobile: 0439 066 054 Luke Steinborner Mobile: 0439 066 006 Bill Steinborner Mobile: 0499 009 293
The full answer is that the known pig viruses are different viruses to SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the current
For your awareness, Australia does not cur- rently play host to any of the coronaviruses that we
For all your livestock needs
Provides high quality products, Delivered on time, At competitive pricing, Supported by the best available technical service in animal and livestock nutrition.
It can be thick and cor- rosive, and is definitely only a job for the right pump.
Ragazzini peristaltic pumps are available with a wide variety of hose options to suit abrasive and corrosive applica- tions and are available with food-grade hoses capable of being steri- lized with hot water to 70C and steam to 120C.
This now enables full flow of a flushing/ cleaning/sanitising fluid through the hose.
Ragazzini pumps do not need the casing to be filled with lubrication fluid.
Ph: 02 9609 7922 Fax: 02 9609 7923
Kym 0439 066 054
Luke 0439 066 006
Bill 0499 009 293
Suppliers of Elite nutrition and solutions
Excellent quality Concrete Slats for Piggeries
■ Farrowing and weaner crates, growers and baconer pens. ■ Feed hopper with stainless steel trough.
The pumps have no seals or valves to main- tain, can run dry with- out damage, and there is no contact between the pumped media and mov- ing parts.
These pumps are per- fect for clean in place or sanitise in place applica- tions when fitted with the optional ‘retractable roller’.
Ph (02) 6644 6065
Mobile 0437 431 901 | Email
2 Clark Rd, Junction Hill • PO Box 421, Grafton NSW 2460
Head Office:
Victoria: Freecall:
Vereyken Bros. Pty Ltd ABN 11 003 543 548
Ben Slots 1800 999 245
Anytime or (02) 6644 6065 Mobile: 0437 431 901
Phone: (03) 9462 4266 Mobile: 0418 388 842
Page 12 – Australian Pork Newspaper, April 2020
WITH over 800,000 confirmed cases, all eyes and ears continue to track the COVID-19 pandemic.
Examples of coronavi- rus infections affecting humans include severe acute respiratory syn- drome (SARS-CoV), Mid- dle East respiratory syn- drome (MERS-CoV), and coronavirus disease 2019 ( S A R S - C oV - 2 ) .
COVID-19 pandemic.
As brilliant as it sounds, lumping all viruses in the animal kingdom together by class to simplify matters
know affect pigs.
It has been well docu-
per shortage marches on. For those of you who remain a little sceptical, I leave you with this – the Friedrich-Loffler Institute is the National Institute for Animal Health of Ger-
Before we move too far down the track there are a few things we should ensure everyone under- stands.
isn’t always a good thing. Since you promised to keep reading, give your-
mented both on a personal note as well as at a global level, that the known cor- onaviruses affecting pigs have never been demon- strated to be infectious to humans.
They issued a statement
For starters, viruses are complex and not all are created equal.
Why is this relevant to the Australian pork indus- try, you ask?
self a pat on the back. The sad reality is that a decent percentage of read- ers would have dropped the paper after reading pigs get sick from corona-
The coronaviruses known to infect pigs are transmissible gastroen- teritis, porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, porcine delta coronavirus and he- magglutinating encepha- lomyelitis virus (which is also known as ‘vomiting and wasting disease’).
in March indicating that there remains no evidence farm animals can contract SARS-CoV-2 or that pigs can transmit or spread it.
Coronavirus is a broad term used to encompass quite a few different sub- types of prominent viruses.
Simple – over the past few weeks there has been a low rumbling regarding livestock’s, specifically pig’s, ability to become infected and serve as a reservoir or carrier.
virus-type viruses.
You know it, I know it
They are currently in the process of testing the susceptibility of various species to the virus and expect to be able to report their official findings at the end of April.
These infectious agents are classified as ribonu- cleic acid – or +RNA – viruses.
Here is where you prom- ise you’ll read until the end of the article.
and the man preparing to sell them a year’s worth of hand sanitiser and freeze- dried tofu is banking on it.
As you have no doubt surmised, based off the creative nomenclature, virtually all pig coronavi- ruses involve gastrointes- tinal complications.
This simply means they are efficient when it comes to infecting new cells and do not require assistance before send- ing offspring from the original host cell into the big wide ‘body’ world, to graffiti and vandalise.
The short answer is yes, pigs can get sick from coronavirus-type viruses.
It’s up to you and those of us in health and science fields to educate our neigh- bours and ensure pork will continue to hold a place in the global food market.
Which is interesting when you think about it, as the human COVID-19 has no relation to the toilet and yet the 2020 toilet pa-
Having said this, re- member to practise good hygiene, use a tissue – once – then dispose of it, and high-five your inner introvert for recommend- ing a meeting is held via email or conference call.
As the waste liquid gets thicker, it becomes much less efficient to use a centrifugal pump, but the right peristaltic pump is an ideal solu- tion.
These pumps are fit- ted with a leak detection system that will stop the pump and send an alarm if the hose wears.
This new positioning system is essential for fully automated foodstuff handling applications that require regular cleaning and sterilisation of all the components in contact with the product.
This reduces the chances of contamina- tion and makes hose changes cleaner, quicker, safer and cheaper.
Italian-made Raga- zzini brand hose-pumps, distributed by Hydro Innovations, can move thick slurry comfortably when sized correctly and fitted with the right tu- bular element.
This is a float-type sensor that is located at the lowest point in the pump.
Because the pump casing is not filled with lubricating fluid and the speed of the leak detector, contamination is prevented and prod- uct loss is greatly mini- mised.
Ragazzini pumps can also be run in reverse,
For more information, contact sales@hydroin novations or call 02 9898 1800.
Ragazzini Rotho pumps use a roller on bearing method to ‘squeeze’ the tubular el- ement, creating a vacu- um on the suction side, enabling pumps to oper- ate on high suction lifts.
Ragazzini pumps are designed to run slowly to promote longer hose life and they are able to pump liquids of sludge containing solid parti- cles.
With this system, one of the rollers can be re- tracted via an over-cen-
■ Farrowing flooring with a 10mm gap; weaners flooring with a 12mm gap; and growers flooring with a 15mm gap.
Diagonal Farrowing Crate.
Straight Farrowing Crate.
Flows from a few litres

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