Page 4 - APN May 2017
P. 4

A newly funded Pork CRC Program 2 project with Sharon Bishop-Hurley from CSIRO, on gel peptides, has commercial implications.
In Program 4, an innovation proposal from Murdoch Enjoying the 2017 Victorian Pig Fair at Bendigo were Rob Smits, Rivalea, Emalyn University on using micro and macro algae to remedi-
Louden, consultant and James Battams, APL. ate piggery effluent is being considered.
Pork CRC project pipeline full and flowing
and Rivalea Australia. FEED MILLERS In Program 2 we have
SFMCA FeedSafe Accredited
innovative projects on er- ysipelas and an alternative to antibiotics for control- ling enteric (and maybe other) diseases with NSW Department of Primary Industries and Murdoch University respectively, and a project on risk fac- tors for lactating sows, which will include data from two large units on the link between intake levels and patterns in ges- tation on reproduction and lactation success.
The latter project will be managed by Kim Bunter (Animal Genetics Breed- ing Unit) and involves SunPork and Rivalea.
The final project is on gel peptides with Sha- ron Bishop-Hurley from CSIRO and it has com-
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Page 4 – Australian Pork Newspaper, May 2017
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mercial implications.
In Program 4 we have a project on real-time and remote monitoring of biogas systems with Alan Skerman (Depart- ment of Agriculture and Fisheries Queensland) and an LCA project on carbon emissions across the industry with Ste- phen Wiedemann (Integ-
rity Ag Services).
We are also considering
an innovation proposal from Murdoch University on using micro and macro algae to remediate pig- gery effluent.
We thank all who sub- mitted proposals and all who took the time to re- view proposals.
A further $468,271 was supported for commer- cialisation projects, which covered the development of vaccines against APP and swine dysentery, de-
velopment of an enrich- ment block for grower- finisher pigs, lactoferrin to enhance lactation per- formance and subsequent reproduction and near- infrared spectroscopy to detect boar taint.
Active projects
We still have about 40 active projects and I ex- pect exciting outcomes across all programs.
All active projects are listed on the Pork CRC website under Research Reports & Templates.
If you have the time to look at these, you’ll see there is still a lot to come.
If you have questions about any of these or want an update, please contact me.
APRIL matters
I updated quite a large audience at the Victo- rian Pig Fair on APRIL, the company that will
replace Pork CRC.
I take this opportunity
to remind you that APRIL is now operational and in the final stages of devel- oping its strategic plan.
The company has 15 members, including APL. APRIL’s R&D commit-
tee will meet in the near future and the company will conduct its first in- vestment round in Novem- ber.
The next Board meeting is May 27.
The strategic plan is with members for feed- back and will be finalised on May 27.
Our intention is to de- velop an R&D program based on new science and technology to enhance the productivity of the Aus- tralian industry and dif- ferentiate it from other industries through cost- effective strategies to en- hance animal welfare and address animal health and antibiotic resistance.
During the next 12 months, most of the ad- ministration of APRIL will be managed by Pork CRC and I will keep you fully informed of develop- ments and activities.
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