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Impenetrable border safeguards were vital to protecting the productivity, trade and market access of the world- Australian agriculture, farmers, regional communities and our economy and envi- class food and fibre Australian farmers produce and to protect the natural environment that all Australians enjoy. ronment are at the mercy of potential pests and diseases. Photo: Jayden Staines
Australia’s biosecurity investment
AUSTRALIA'S Federal Government has heeded calls led by the National Farmers Federation to increase funding for biosecurity and innova- tion.
officer Tony Mahar said, “Australian agriculture, farmers, regional com- munities, the environment and our economy are at the mercy of the poten- tial for pests and diseases to break the containment lines of our island nation.”
Impenetrable border safeguards were vital to protecting the produc- tivity, trade and market access of the world-class food and fibre Australian farmers produce and to protect the natural en- vironment that not only farmers, but all Austral- ians enjoy.
farmgate output by 2030, up from about $65 billion this year.”
Australian agriculture with a national footprint, the NFF is well placed to play a key role in these communications.”
stand their responsibilities and their role in the event of an incursion.”
The Australian Govern- ment announced a $371 million investment in bio- security at Rockhampton on May 4.
The new investment will be directed towards a va- riety of biosecurity and export service projects, with a focus on modern- ising ICT systems, tech- nology and data analytics.
The best biosecurity re- sults can only be achieved when government and in- dustry work hand in glove.
Mr Mahar added that farmers were disap- pointed when the much- anticipated biosecurity imports levy fell at the final hurdle and would continue to make the case for reform including a long-term, renewable bio- security funding stream.
The package is slightly shy of the NFF’s ask for $400 million over four years to expand and mod- ernise Australia’s ailing biosecurity system which has struggled to keep pace with a sharp increase in threats and incursions.
“Applying cutting-edge science and technology is crucial to ensuring our biosecurity system is fu- ture-ready.
“Itiscrucialthatfunding is underpinned by a trans- parent strategy, where all stakeholders from pad- dock to port, packing shed to airport terminal, under-
“The NFF and our members look forward to learning more about the announced funding and corresponding projects and will continue to work closely with government towards a world-class biosecurity regime,” Mr Mahar said.
National Farmers Federation chief execu- tive officer Tony Mahar said applying cutting edge science and tech- nology is crucial to ensur- ing Australia’s biosecurity system is future-ready.
National Farmers Fed- eration chief executive
“COVID-19 has shown the absolute devastation at a human health level when biosecurity is breached.”
“Strong biosecurity is at the heart of the NFF- led goal for agriculture to achieve $100 billion in
“We also welcome funding to enable better communication between government, industry and citizens.
“Most recently farmers have grappled with the everyday threat of the arrival of African swine fever and the khapra beetle and continue to do the lion’s share of the work in managing introduced pests such as feral pigs, foxes and red fire ants.
“Stemming biodiversity decline from already in- troduced pests is difficult enough as a nation, we need to take every step to ensure further feral spe- cies aren’t added to the mix,” Mr Mahar said.
“This is a good start,” Mr Mahar said.
“Protecting agriculture, our environment, our people and our economy from the harmful effects of unwanted pests and diseases is an absolute shared responsibility,” Mr Mahar said.
“As the peak body for
Australian Pork Newspaper, June 2021 – Page 5

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