Page 13 - Australian Pork Newspaper
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Protect your whole herd with Ingelvac MycoFLEX – now indicated in pregnant and lactating sows
INGELVAC Myco- FLEX provides proven safety, efficacy and rap- id onset of long-lasting immunity against my- coplasma hyopneumo- niae with a single dose.
Most swine produc- ing areas are affected by M. hyo, which causes chronic respiratory dis- ease in pigs.
The infection decreas- es performance and increases the need for medical intervention,
resulting in financial loss to farmers.
Vaccinating pregnant and lactating sows with Ingelvac MycoFLEX helps decrease verti- cal transmission of the disease to susceptible piglets.
Whole-herd protection from M. hyo infection with Ingelvac Myco- FLEX
Farmers have been able to vaccinate their pregnant and lactating
sows with Ingelvac Cir- coFLEX, the world’s most widely used PCV2 vaccine, since 2017.
Now, with the new in- dication, Ingelvac My- coFLEX can be freshly mixed with Ingelvac Cir- coFLEX to form FLEX- combo for pregnant and lactating sows.
For more information on how Ingelvac Myco- FLEX could help you en- sure whole herd protec- tion from M. hyo, please contact your veterinarian or Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Territory Manager. mal-health
Australian Government delivers to protect farmers
THE Australian Govern- ment has delivered on its election commitment to protect the privacy of Australian farmers and primary producers by in- troducing legislation to protect them from the unlawful actions of ani- mal activists.
The Criminal Code Amendment (Agricultural Protection) Bill 2019 in- troduces new offences for the incitement of trespass, property damage or theft on agricultural land.
Attorney-General Chris- tian Porter said incidents of trespass by animal ac- tivists, such as those we saw earlier this year, have impacted on Australian farmers and their busi- nesses, prompting this
stronger action to deter those who incite this be- haviour.
“There must be con- sequences for this unac- ceptable behaviour,” the Attorney-General said.
“Farmers should not be subjected to the illegal in- vasion of their property and privacy.
“The Bill introduces se- rious criminal penalties to ensure farmers and their families are protected, with offenders facing up to five years’ imprison- ment.
“The Bill includes ex- emptions for journalists and whistle-blowers who expose instances of ani- mal cruelty.”
The Bill also covers other private agricultural
businesses such as fishers and foresters.
Minister for Agriculture Bridget McKenzie said the Bill sends a clear mes- sage to animal activists that if you use the per- sonal information of our family farmers to incite trespass then you will be risking jail, once the Bill passes.
The government has al- so called on the state and territory governments to increase penalties to de- ter animal rights activists from trespass.
“These laws are nec- essary to protect farm- ers and their businesses – most of them small family businesses – from potential trespass, prop- erty damage, theft and
biosecurity breaches, and the substantial loss of in- come that could follow,” the Minister said.
“These new laws build on other actions taken by the Morrison Government to protect farmers and their families, including prescribing Aussie Farms under the Privacy Act, meaning the organisation could face fines of up to $2.1 million for breaches of the Act.
“The Federal Govern- ment is committed to sup- porting Australian farm- ers, their families and their businesses and this Bill delivers on that com- mitment to this critically important part of our economy – our $60 billion agriculture industry.”
Protection of your pigs to slaughter
Ingelvac MycoFLEX®, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae protection with extra capacity for mixing with Ingelvac CircoFLEX® for PCVAD protection
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 1, 78 Waterloo Road, North Ryde NSW 2113. ABN 53 071 187 285. FLEXCombo® is a registered trademark of the Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH – used under licence. All rights reserved. AUS/FCB-181008
Improving pump
safety can add to
the bottom line
IMPROVING the safe- ty around wastewater pumping can have a sig- nificant effect on mo- rale, but also the bottom line, according to en- gineered pump supplier Hydro Innovations.
By mounting pumps on the surface (instead of in the wastewater pit), operators can access the equipment for monitor- ing or maintenance with- out opening wet well safety covers, eliminat- ing the risk of personnel falling into the pit.
The asset owners see the effects on the bottom line for the entire life of the asset.
A surface-mounted pump does not need a crane to access pumps, so the associated costs of crane operation/use are minimised or eliminated.
Only one operator is needed to safely access and maintain a self-prim- ing surface-mounted pump, producing labour cost savings for the life
of the installation.
One operator can ad-
just pump clearances on a Gorman-Rupp self- priming pump in min- utes, keeping the pump at its peak operating ef- ficiency for the life of the installation – providing a substantial energy saving for the life of the asset.
Gorman-Rupp T and V series pumps also come with a range of built-in safety features to pro- tect operators and the pump, enabling reliable, dependable and safer pumping of even the most demanding waste- water pumping applica- tions.
These pumps are heav- ily used by animal pro- cess plants around the country and by business- es that value investing in safety, reliability and quality.
More information about these pumps can be ob- tained from Hydro Inno- vations at info@hydroin
Australian Pork Newspaper, August 2019 – Page 13

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