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Minister Littleproud said
“The appointment of the next non-executive directors is paramount to realising the priorities highlighted in GRDC’s Research, Development and Extension Plan for 2018-2023,” Minister Lit-
“GRDC has set ambi- tious targets and is de- livering on a long-term strategy to create enduring
Vol 24. No. 11 November 2020 Australian Pork Newspaper PO Box 162 Wynnum 4178 Phone (07) 3286 1833 Email
Phone: 07 4697 3344 • Fax 07 4697 3532
Virtual meetings to build framework of strategic plan
Point of View
AS a producer-owned industry organisation, Australian Pork Lim- ited has worked hard this year to find new ways to maintain high levels of consultation and accountability.
strengthen biosecurity controls and investment in automated technolo- gies to scan imports.
The way in which our members have em- braced online meeting platforms has demon- strated that APL con- tinues to be the go-to body for the entire in- dustry, especially in times of disruption and uncertainty.
holders who register to attend, regardless of APL membership.
the journey to reaching our goals.
In terms of supporting our increasingly valu- able export trade, the budget contains a $317.1 million extension to the International Freight Assistance Mechanism and a $328 million package to allow for modernisation and dig- itisation of Australia’s export industries.
The technology to con- duct virtual meetings is indeed important, but it is only the willing participation and input of stakeholders that has enabled APL to main- tain meaningful two- way dialogue with pro- ducers.
The session will give us the opportunity to discuss APL’s current project outcomes and priorities, including the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan.
It was with an eye on our industry’s short and long-term goals that APL welcomed a number of measures announced in the Fed- eral Budget on October 6.
Incentives for young Australians to join the agriculture workforce, including providing grants to assist in relo- cating to regional Aus- tralia and supporting businesses to take on apprentices, are also important measures.
Not long ago, the idea of conducting whole-of- industry meetings on- line would have seemed fanciful.
The development of a sustainability frame- work, which will po- sition our industry as social licence leaders, is a key part of APL’s Strategic Plan.
The budget’s vision for a business-led ap- proach to Australia’s post-COVID 19 re- covery recognises the significant role rural and regional Australia will play in driving economic growth, in line with the agricul- tural sector’s goal of achieving $100 billion in farm gate output by 2030.
The way research and development will unlock productivity opportunities for Aus- tralian farmers has also been recognised by way of the expansion of the R&D tax incentive.
Yet APL has under- taken several virtual meetings since March, including the May Del- egates Meeting, and we’ve been buoyed by the very positive re- sponse from partici- pants.
The framework will guide APL’s strategy in communicating the proud and progressive story of Australian pork in a way that creates positive engagement with our customers, government and the broader community.
Producers will benefit from having access to immediate tax incen- tives and asset write- offs, which will con- tribute to supporting farm businesses, espe- cially those impacted by COVID-19.
With R&D in mind, APL is very pleased to be involved in the estab- lishment of Agricultural Innovation Australia, a not-for-profit company that will drive rural in- dustry research and in- novation.
Both our forthcoming Delegates Meeting on Wednesday November 18 and Annual General Meeting on Thursday November 19 will be conducted virtually.
The draft framework is centred around four key pillars – people, pigs, planet and pros- perity.
Buoyed by these positive developments, we’re looking forward to coming together – albeit virtually – with producers at our meet- ings on November 18 and 19, to take stock of the past year and look ahead to what we can achieve.
Following the AGM, a special Producer Forum will be open to all pro- ducers and other inter- ested industry stake-
Each pillar has spe- cific targets for industry to work towards over the next decade, and we’re currently con- sulting with producers about how we map out
Other highlights in- clude increased invest- ment in biosecurity and export programs, including $28 mil- lion over four years to
Pork producer Sharon Starick is reappointed to GRDC Board.
New directors take the reins at GRDC
MINISTER for Agri- among the seven persons tleproud said.
culture, Drought and Emergency Manage- ment David Littleproud has appointed the next Grains Research Devel- opment Corporation non- executive directors for a three-year term, which commenced on October 1, 2020.
appointed, three are reap- pointments and four are new appointees.
“The directors will oversee approximately $114 million in grain levies and approximately $60 million in government matched funds.
* continued P2
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